I also deal with the creation of graphic and print materials. I use graphic programs from Adobe package. I mostly use Photoshop, InDesign and Illustrator.
My name is Adam
and I am web developer and designer
I create fast, responsive and eye-catching web solutions that use the implementation of the WordPress user interface.
In many projects, I use WordPress as a content management system (CMS). WordPress is the most popular, user friendly, extremely customisable and easy to use CMS. In less challenging projects I use WordPress premium theme called Native.
Front End & Web development
I create fully responsive websites in which I try to get the best user experience and interaction with the target audience.
Complex web solutions
If you want to edit and manage the content of your site, I use the integration of content management system called WordPress.
Webdesign a graphics
I create a eye-catching graphic designs for you web sites, e-shops and portals, or promotional materials for your company.
How I work
Process of building a website or graphics that you will love!
- Plan & designIn the first step, I try to collect as much information as possible about the project (goals, objectives, target audience, content). Based on the information you provide, I start with planning and designing the project.
- DevelopmentAt the development stage, I create a functional website. I transform your content and design into code with maximum functionality.
- TestingAt this point I test the complete functionality of the website. Things like form and script functionality, devices and browsers compatibility, code validation, and so on ...
- LaunchProcess of building a website creation is practically at the end. After few other improvements, your website is ready to GO LIVE!

Portfolio of my works
Check out some of my previously created projects.
Ak Vás moje projekty či služby oslovili a máte záujem o spoluprácu, poprípade konzultáciu, napíšte mi správu. Na správy sa snažím odpovedať do 24 hodín, no zvyčajne je to oveľa skôr.
Meno: Adam Ďuriš
Adresa: Bottova 7, 949 01 Nitra, Slovenská republika – Mapa
Email: adamduris@adamduris.com
IČO: 50 548 255
Fyzická osoba zapísaná v Živnostenskom registri Okresného úradu Nitra od 11. októbra 2017
Č. živnostnenského registra: 430-49829